17 November, 2008

Are you an Earth Angel?

Found at: Spiritual Calling From Doreen Virtue’s book ‘Earth Angels’

Please write True or False next to each statement below. Go with the first answer that comes to your mind or heart:

  1. I tend to easily put on extra weight, or I’m currently overwight.
  2. My past or current love partners are addicts or alcoholics.
  3. I rarely break a rule.
  4. I have a hard time saying no.
  5. I highlight, colour, or bleach my hair.
  6. I would prefer to help someone one-no-one, rather than in a group setting.
  7. Truth be told, I like animals or plants much better than i like people.
  8. I have celtic origions,or i look celtic (that is, i have reddish tint in my hair, freckles, or ruddy complexion).
  9. I constantly play practical jokes.
  10. I’m quite the mischief maker, and seem to have a persistent twinkel in my eyes.
  11. I’m fiercely independent and don’t like following the rules or authority.
  12. My finaces seem to be eiher feast or famine.
  13. I don’t like being the center of attention, and I’m usuall a wallflower at social functions.
  14. I’ve always believed in,or been interested in, ETs or UFOs
  15. I’m compulsively thoughtful toward people, whether they express appreciation or not.
  16. I conduct Reiki or other forms of energy or hands-on healing.
  17. My life’s mission is more important than getting married and having children.
  18. I really would lke to go home now, because I know that Earth isn’t my home.
  19. I had a life-changing experance, such as a serious accident or near death experience.
  20. In the past, I was so miserable that I wanted to die and seriously considered (or attempted) suicide.
  21. I have changed my first name, or i am strongly doing so.
  22. My friends and family remark, “You’re so different now. Theres something about you thats not the same.”
  23. I have made, or am making, drastic changes to many areas of m life simultaneously (such as moving changing job and divorcing) all at once.
  24. I have deep spiritual knowledge that didn’t come from any books or teachers.
  25. Even though I know I’m different from other people, I still enjoy the comany of others and get along pretty well with most people.
  26. I know that I have magical abilities, which are untapped right now.
  27. I have strong past life memories or interests concerning Arthurian or Atlantean times.
  28. I believe that I was burned at the stake, or killed in some other way, during the witch hunts or Inquisition.
  29. I have studied Tarot cards or atology.
  30. I’m very drawn toward Earth-based spirituality, such as shmanism or full-moon ceremonies.


The number of true answers that you noted may reveal which realm you’re from. Count the number of true aanswers for each successive group-ing of six questions, beinning with the first six.

  • For example, if you answered four or more true’s to questions 1 though 6, then you’re probably an Incarnated Angel. ( That is, the more questions nswered true to, the more likely you are to fit into this category.)
  • If you answered four or mores true’s to questions 7 through 12, then you are probably an incarnated Elemental.
  • If you responded true four or more timesto questions 13 through 18, then you’re most likely a Starperson.
  • If you had four more true answeres to questions 19 through 24, then you’re probably a Walk-In.
  • I you answered true four or more times to questions 25 through 30, then you’re most likely a Wise One.

If your answeres don’t reflect one particular category over another, then you may be an Evolving Earth Angel or a Dabbler. This is a being who is moving from one realm to another, such as from the Elemental realm into Starperson realm. Info on these still to come.

NOTE: To find out more about what your answers mean, please click on the link found at the top of this post. You will see a left hand column in which you will see elemental, earth, angel, wise one, etc. Click these for more insight to the quiz.

12 November, 2008

02 November, 2008

Bible - Fact or Fiction?