27 June, 2007


The Planet Pluto in the SpiritProject Astrology

Pluto was discovered by Lowell-Observatorv in 1930, after Lowell had his existence calculated theoretically long before that. It is obvious, that the statistical experience and practical evaluation is still minimal. Astrologists have collected significant materials, according to which Pluto has an unique impact on mankind. It is generally agreed upon, that Pluto is foremost a symbol for force, masses, and fate as well as the lust and will to power of an individual. The urge to rule over the masses is one of the specific influences of Pluto. Means to rule or dominate the masses, like propaganda, are plutonic. In regards to fate or destiny, studies of thousands of biographies show quite exponent occurrences especially in times of war, revolution and rebellion, like being buried in ruins, death in bomb shelters or coale-mines.

The connection of an individual destiny and mass occurrences are recorded over and over again. Pluto's influence is most obvious, when his position is close to the ascendant or at the upper meridian, and stronger even if getting strong aspects from the other planets in the horoscope. Psychologically, Pluto influences the reckless strive for power, ruthless and violent enforcement and the utopia in ideas and goals, in an individual horoscope. If it is about influences, which are beyond the human will, Pluto symbolizes the divine intervention. Sometimes a human being seems to be the tool of a higher power. This can be either in positive or a rather demonic way. Even individuals, who by means of their demonic powers cause mass occurrences or chain reactions as a result of their extreme actions, are Pluto personalities, it doesn't have to be said, that these forces were at work, long before Pluto was discovered.

Before the discovery, such occurrences were associated with the cooperation of evildoers such as, Saturn-Mars, Saturn-Uranus, and Uranus-Mars. It took the examination of thousands of horoscopes which exponent Pluto constellations, to find the elemental-brutal; which changes the whole worlds view by its powers (nuclear energy and weapons, for instance). Even if Pluto doesn't show himself in his destructive, overly critical and rebellious influences in a horoscope, a person can still have an almost magical aura, such as a fascinating actor, speaker, politician or agitator. Especially dictators have almost always a prominent Pluto-influence. Pluto is never invisible or mediocre. It seems, he draws his effects from deep within the subconscious, where he gets almost his magical, impersonal form. Together with Uranus, Pluto turns the history of the world and time, upside down and creates the colossal crises, caused foremost by technique.